
Behind the Scenes of Our Latest Music Video

It's not out yet... But, here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

We are SUPER excited about the videos we've been working on this month! I can hardly believe we'll be shooting our 6th Johnson Strings movie in just a few days! It'll be our third movie to film this month! (Videos #4 and #5 are shot, sorted, and ready to send to my video editor, so stay tuned to see those in the upcoming weeks!)

Here's a little look behind the scenes of the last video we filmed.

During the time this scene was filmed, I was frozen! It was 33 degrees outside. Brrrrr.

Reflectors are VERY useful tools. Here, I was able to get the perfect lighting on Silas' face for his solo.

We had our fair share of clowning around. Laughter makes everything more fun!

Hats add so much character! Figuring out the clothing for each video is a good challenge - coordinating colors that go with our chosen theme and making sure they fit well with each individual's personality.

Ahhh... Here's our good 'ol English gent.

Did I forget to mention all our uninvited company? Picture this: thousands of no-see-ums and swarms of tiny white moths... Days later, my arms are STILL covered in itchy bug bites!!!

Below, we're celebrating the end of a day's hard work - getting up at 4:15 am makes for a long day!

What's YOUR vote? Who's jump picture do you like best?

Who'd you rather be?!!

Who'd you rather be?!!

How'd ya like that expression?

How'd ya like that expression?

That's all for now! Stay tuned for more juicy details!

Weird and Wacky

a few fun photos -  a not-so-normal look at what happens when we are setting up for a concert.

(Yes, I know! This post is a day late - sorry!)

Tuning da viola for da concert: a photo-worthy occupation when the photographer spots a neat window in the door just begging to have its picture taken.

Just thinkin' a thought or two...

Sometimes its time to see things in a new way.

Da one and only giving a surprise appearance.

Yep. We have fun around here.