
The Thrill of the Sack Lunches...

After a concert, when you have expended a lot of energy, you get hungry. Especially if the concert is later in the evening and you only had a snack before-hand (Cause you know that if you eat too much before a concert, it's not a good thing for your voice). 

Anyway. Now you're hungry and the moment has come that you've been eagerly waiting for! The unveiling of the sack lunches by the wonderful hostess at the concert.

Here they come.... all their hidden beauty.

The Sack Lunch Queen is in the pink blouse! Thank you!

Yep. She's special.

He's excited and happy for a wonderful evening, and he's looking forward to the fun trip and the hours driving home in VanGogh.

The first peek inside!

All the goodness unveiled! 

Live life to the fullest! Enjoy every adventure and blessing God gives! Be thankful, and you'll have a joyful life, walking with the Lord Jesus Christ each step of the way!

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Go check out Facebook and Twitter to read about our latest trip to Minnesota for a concert and our stop at Mall of America!


Don't FORGET!!!

Click on the image to enlarge it and view the details more easily.


We are so excited! These last several days and weeks have been a blur of work, practice, work, practice, etc! (Just normal Johnson family schedule, but vamped up to an even higher pitch!)

Come and enjoy a fun evening with us and see what surprises we have planned!!!

All about SILAS!!!

A wonderful cellist... a great pianist... a super amazing brother.... what more could you ask?

Silas with this school year's piano awards!

Silas with this school year's piano awards!

Silas during his piano recital...

Silas during his piano recital...

Silas with his orchestra director, Mr Schilke! 

Silas with his orchestra director, Mr Schilke! 

Silas warming up with the Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra after their tour, and before their spring concert in Davis Hall at the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. He is first chair cellist out of 11 cellos! This year, one of the pieces the o…

Silas warming up with the Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra after their tour, and before their spring concert in Davis Hall at the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. He is first chair cellist out of 11 cellos! This year, one of the pieces the orchestra performed was Saint Saens "Carnival of the Animals". So, Silas got to play "The Swan" as a solo during the concert. He did a fantastic job!

Weird and Wacky

a few fun photos -  a not-so-normal look at what happens when we are setting up for a concert.

(Yes, I know! This post is a day late - sorry!)

Tuning da viola for da concert: a photo-worthy occupation when the photographer spots a neat window in the door just begging to have its picture taken.

Just thinkin' a thought or two...

Sometimes its time to see things in a new way.

Da one and only giving a surprise appearance.

Yep. We have fun around here.